🔊BIG NEW Announcement for Cloud9 Mid Year Ball 2024🥳💃🕺🔥❣️

Get excited! As we are 'officially' bringing the experience of Lambada to our Mid Year Ball in 2024. 🥳
Yus! we will have dedicated Lambada workshops over 3 days in this year's schedule, taught by these two awesome couples who are masters of Lambada in addition to Brazilian Zouk: Otavio & Sara and Pedro & Cibele. 🥳💃🕺🔥💃🕺
Since 2018 we have always invited Lambada artists such as master Bebe, Ry'el & Jessica, Iago & Vanessa ... to our events (Brisbane Zouk Festival & Cloud9 Ball) and catered for our lambada dancers as much as we could, including holding 'lambada day' intensives at BZF.
Now we would like to include more of the exciting element of lambada workshops for Mid Year Ball, without diluting our Brazilian Zouk offering. ✨
As we see Lambada has made a resurgence around the Zouk world with new generations of dancers specialising in the style as well as influencing Brazilian Zouk more every day. Many of us are so curious & keen to explore and dance it or to add more Lambada flavour to our zouk, and to really understand this beautiful dance which is the origin for Brazilian Zouk. 🥳
There is no better time, as this year both of our international artists are super amazing at both Brazilian Zouk & Lambada! 💖🔥💃🕺
If you are a Lambada dancer or keen to learn more, this is an opportunity not to be missed! And for those of you who haven't yet been intrigued or captured by Lambada, have no fear there will still be plenty of Brazilian Zouk workshops for you to learn from and enjoy. 😍
Full Schedule of Workshops for Mid Year Ball, 27-30 June, is coming out next week, so.... stay tuned! 🥳🤗🤗