For all of our lovely interstate attendees who are joining this weekend for our Cloud9Zouk Weekender please read this information and either apply for your Travel Pass the day before (or up to 3 days before) travelling, or if coming from NSW, make sure to apply ASAP for a Border Pass, as the info says they need to be done 3 business day prior your arrival in Brisbane.
Please see the below information on newly introduced travel requirements, for the Qld Travel Pass, which is applicable to all interstate travellers (with the exception of NSW travellers currently, who need to apply for the Border Pass).
Also Melbourne dancers will need to wait a little longer... see more info below.
Travellers from other States only need to apply for the Qld Travel Pass, which can be done anytime from up to 3 days before travel. Note: for Melb travellers, we are awaiting notification of the border being re-opened hopefully from 1am on Friday, 25th June for travel that day with just a Travel Pass.
>>> Queensland Travel Pass <<< - for VIC (except Melb from 25/6), ACT, WA, SA, NT, TAS
From 19 June 2021, all travellers entering Queensland from any State or Territory without a COVID-19 hotspot are required to complete a Queensland Travel Pass/Declaration.
You can complete the declaration 3 days prior to your arrival into Queensland. The form should take about 3 minutes to complete and your declaration will be issued immediately via email.
More Info on Travel Pass - https://www.qld.gov.au/queensland-travel-declaration DIRECT LINK TO APPLY - https://www.qld.gov.au/queensland.../qld-travel-declaration
NOTE for Melbourne dancers - you will need to wait until Friday 25/6 for announcement that border has officially re-opened, upon which you can apply for the Travel Pass.
>>> Qld Border Declaration/Pass <<< - NOTE for Sydney and NSW Travellers (*** Required to apply for Border Pass at least 3 Business Days prior to travel ***)
ALL NSW travellers (except the ones in 'NSW/QLD border bubble' , eg. Tweed, Byron Shire..).. need to apply for Qld Border Pass because there has been a hotspot declared in NSW, which is the area of Waverley.
When you apply for the Border Pass, you can say you've been in NSW, which has a declared Covid hotspot, but then just need to check the list of Interstate Exposure venues to make sure you weren't there during the days and times mentioned. Provided, this is the case and you haven't been to any of the Exposure venues, then your border pass should be approved.
*** NOTE that the Border Pass website says they require 3 business days processing time, so please ensure you go online and complete your application asap.
More info on Border Declaration Pass - https://www.qld.gov.au/border-pass
DIRECT LINK TO APPLY - https://www.qld.gov.au/border-pass/application
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions at all.
Happy and safe travels, and we are looking forward to welcoming you to our event this weekend!
Warm wishes,
Cloud9Zouk Team
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