Cloud9Zouk Mid Year Ball 2022, what a beautiful weekend! 💃🕺🌟❣
We'd love to thank you everyone for your amazing support, beautiful smiles, energy & hugs, for the little chats and conversations on the weekend, for the kind words of encouragement & gratitude..... We loved every moment of it. ❣
A big shout out and gratitude to our wonderful Internationals, Iago & Vanessa, and to our Local and National artists for adding so much value to our event. Whether they were taking part in teaching workshops or not this time, we were so lucky to host many of our national artists on the weekend, and it was like a little reunion after 2 long years due to covid. It felt unreal to have everyone in one room dancing the nights away! ✨💃🕺🤗
Everyone has also been giving us so much awesome feedback about how much they loved every workshop and the friendly feel of being able to have great dances with our artists on the weekend. ❤
Thank you 🙏, thank you 🙏, DJ's! For keeping the parties pumping and taking us through a journey with them on the dance floor. You guys are awesome. 🤗🌟 - AJELLA Zouk (Hel & Aanand), DJ Grevo Official (Matthew), DJ Panda (Jimmy), DJ Elvis, DJ Pasindu, DJ Rafael, DJ Wesley, DJ Double B (Behrouz) ❤
Our extra special appreciation also to our Volunteers team, the Performers and our Photographer, Bob McGahan, and Videographers, Roman Balìtskiy & Bryan Jeremias Llaneza, for capturing those special memories for us all to look back on. 💖
As well, we'd love to acknowledge the awesomeness of Luke, who was up to his creative busy-ness again in creating our wonderful C9Z sign. 💖
& A special note of thanks to Cassandra for making the effort to set up onsite and for being available with her wonderful chiropractic and healing treatments.
Our beautiful volunteers; Amin, Bee, Daria, Rosa, Nasim, Eliete, Tim, Kyle, Rebekah, Anthony - without your friendly selves greeting our attendees, and your contributions in helping with everything throughout, the running around for errands 😉 , as well as the set up & packing up, we just wouldn't be able to bring our event to you all! 🌟🙏
To all the Performers, we so appreciate every one of you coming to entertain the crowd to add that extra special segment of the night to make people smile and enjoy your performances. Well done to all! 👏
A quick shout out to Izzy & Steve on Friday night, and Matthew & Jimmy for jumping in to MC and rev the crowd up on Saturday night 🤩🌟
We'd like to acknowledgement the amazing instructors, choreographers and team trainers too, as we know the hard work and commitment that is involved in running your training sessions and encouraging your teams. They all did such a wonderful job. ✨🌟
We'd love to give a special thanks to to our own performance teams as well for their dedication in training, and for their wonderful teamwork. 🤗 We loved working with you and are just so happy with the end results on the night. 👏💖🤗
Weekends like this just bring to us a continuous reminder of how grateful we are for our wonderful community of dancers, artists, and just every one of you who is a part of it all ❤, whether it was this time around or at our other events, small & large. We appreciate you all so much for your support and for your beautiful energy! 🙂🙂
Let's keep smiling as we look back on the weekend... and look forward in anticipation to doing it all again (but with a different kind of special 💖), at Brisbane Zouk Festival in November 🕺💃🥳
Big Love & Our Hugs ❤ 🤗
Behrouz & Sibell and the Cloud9Zouk Team
Behrouz Boroomand Dancer