Get ready for another super COOL routine by Cloud9 people 🔥🔥🔥💃🕺
Yus! I'm super proud to announce we are going ahead with another fabulous Cloud9 team for BZF 2024. If you'd like to be challenged then this is for you 🥳🕺💃😁
It's a great opportunity to be part of a fun and friendly team, where you get to focus on your technique, on your confidence, and on perfecting complex moves. Plus, you get to create beautiful friendships and memories being part of the team. 😍
Also, if you'd like to see some other routines from from Cloud9 Zouk Team, check this link:
🎞️ https://www.cloud9zouk.com.au/behrouz-boroomand-dancer
💃🕺Performance Opportunities & Times:
We will perform this routine in 2 public Brisbane locations prior to major as well as at the As well as BZF 2024 on 22 - 25 Nov.
This Routine has 2 levels; Foundation/Intermediate & Advanced is more suitable for students at Level 2 and above, which is Foundation and above zouk classes experience.
📅Dates & Time for trainings:
👉 Foundation/Intermadite part:
TUES Session Details -
- Starting on 1st October till 19th Nov
- 8:15 - 9:15pm, Paddington Hall (10 Moreton St)
👉 Advanced part:
THUR Session Details -
- Starting on 3rd October till 19th Nov
- 8:30pm to 9:30pm (East Brisbane State School, 56 Wellington Rd)
Commencing on 1st Oct, 7 weeks classes and 12 choreo training sessions (with possible 1-2 extra sessions).
*There will likely be between 1-3 sessions on weekends closer to the performance date:
📌 Info sessions:
Foundation level: Tue 1st Oct at 8:15pm at 10 Moreton St, Paddington
Advanced level: Thur 3rd Oct, 7:30pm East Brisbane State School, 56 Wellington Rd
Double Trouble
22 counts of 8
2 min
Please try to not miss any training sessions, however we understand that you may already have plans from time to time or unexpected things could happen. Make sure to let us know and keep in contact if this is the case.
(If you have already discussed your situation with us, that is okay).
We will create comprehensive videos which will be available for you to review if you miss a session.
Please don't ask others for the partnering situation and let us know your preferences, if you have any, and we will do our best to make it happen.
Please don't share our choreo or training videos with other people or to social media. After our public performance you are welcome to share the performance videos to your heart's content! 🤩😊
We will sort out the costumes shortly to suit the theme of the song. Please note that sometimes it is hard one to make sure everyone is happy with it, so we all need to be ready to compromise.
Choreo Trainings $195 - 12 sessions training . Note that we may hold additional training sessions if required, which are generally free of charge.
You must enrol in and attend our either Level 4 or 5 classes to learn some of the techniques. If unsure which class, please ensure you discuss with us in advance.
The choreo costume cost which can range from $50 to $150 depending on team outfit.
Must be able to commit to perform at BZF 2024, (Performances will be on Fri 22nd or Sat 23rd Nov, after 8pm)
If performing at festivals or events, including BZF, performers must be able to commit and be available for event dates and to purchase their event tickets in advance.
We will discuss festival options and requirements with team members, including Performers Passes.
If you already have a partner who you'd like to perform with that is great and please let us know.
Otherwise, we will work on getting the right ratio and to partner you up depending on your height, level of experience, etc, and ask that you leave it with us to coordinate, rather than directly approaching your team mates and 'putting them on the spot' (we will of course take preferences into consideration as well)...
Behrouz, Sibell & Cloud9 Team
👉 Video Materials to work with :
We will provide you with weekly videos at the end of each session to have something to work with and also provide you with extra breakdown videos of front & back views.
The Information night is completely free and is your opportunity to see the choreo and find out about the requirements. 🙂
Please don't share our choreo or training videos with other people or to social media. After our public performance you are welcome to share the performance videos to your heart's content! 🤩😊
We will sort out the costumes shortly to suit the theme of the song. Please note that sometimes it is hard one to make sure everyone is happy with it, so we all need to be ready to compromise.
Behrouz, Sibell & Cloud9 Team
Much love,
Your Cloud9Zouk Team 💖
We hope to see you all on the dancefloor, and are looking forward to another awesome experience creating a team and training & performing together! 🤩🥳