Join us for our 1st series of Beginner Bootcamp followed by Social mingle at Felons on Sunday 12th Feb.
This boot camp is designed for our brand new dancers who are currently taking our lessons or any new dancers who are keen to join our lessons and missed out on our start of beginner course term 1, 2023. Also suitable for other dancers for other styles of dance who are keen to learn the basic steps for Brazilian Zouk in an intensive 2 hours training.
Materials to cover:
all the basic steps for Brazilian Zouk
Transitioning into basic steps and out
Simple turns & lunge
Fun Combo
Plan for the day:
10:15am ..... Registration
10:30 - 12:30 .... Brazilian Zouk Course
1pm .... Social Mingle & Lunch at Felons
$30 for 2 hours of training
10 Love St, Spring Hill
📞 0432524097 Behrouz