Good morning beautiful people 🤗
We are super excited about International Zouk Day 2022 which is coming up in 2 weeks time 🥳💃🕺🌟
So, we have come up with an awesome design for the tshirts and getting the numbers and sizes to the printing shop in time to finalize it for next Saturday.
If you are interested in getting one of these T-shirts, please Pm me or lovely Sibell and we make sure to put an order for you too 🤗
This is a shirt that our Flash Mobers will be wearing on the day but it is for everyone 🥳
The Men T-shirts are White with orange colour design on them and female T-shirts are Orange colour with while design. Both are the same design. 🙂
The cost is $25. Please let us know very soon as we have limited time to put the order in 🤗
I have attached the sizing chart for you here to help you decide your size :)