Are you ready for International Zouk Day 2023?! It's coming up fast on Saturday 16th September, and dance schools and teams around Brisbane, and Australia, and the world in fact 😀🌎, are busy planning their celebrations as well as training for the IZD FlashMob choreographies to be performed on the day.
So... last year's IZD 2022 was another super fun one with Brisbane showcasing our Zouk scene with many of the schools from Brisbane and the Gold Coast & Sunshine Coast coming together to promote Zouk, take part in the IZD Flashmob as well as joining in putting on public performances and social dancing during the day, then capping it all off with our IZD Celebration Zouk Party! 🎈
We will be doing it all again with the help of YOU and all the schools which get out there day in and day out to teach, promote and enjoy this beautiful dance style. ❤

Get Involved
Here we go, this is going to be rough plan for the day, and there will be few small changes to this as the time comes. We are hoping for your help to get our favourite dance style, Zouk, out there and to show it to everyone!
The 2023 International Zouk Day Celebrations will be held on Saturday 16th September!
** Plans of the activities for the day & night of 16th September -
11:00 am social dancing in the Brisbane city centre
12:00 pm IZD FlashMob performance in Queen St Mall, CBD
12:15 till 1:00 pm Social Dancing & more performances & demos from schools & teams in Queen St Mall, CBD.
1:00 Pm Group Lunch
The day's celebrations will continue for an extra special night party 🤩💃🕺
6:30 pm -7:00pm Doors Open
7:00 - 8:pm Workshop with Behrouz & Sibell
8pm - 2am IZD Night Party @ Performing Arts Centre, Brisbane State High School
(Entry off Merivale St, Gate M3) -
A key feature of IZD each year is the IZD Flashmob Choreo. ✨🤩
This year we have 3 amazing Choreos to the one song, created by 3 talented rising stars from around the globe✨🌟
Teams from around the world will perform their selected choreo(s) internationally on Sat 16th of Sept, 2023. 🤩💃🕺💃🕺💃🌏
Our rising stars selected by the IZD Committee this year to design a IZD flashmob routine are - - ▶️
🌠 Australia's own ✨ - Wesley & Rachel, of Brasilatino in Adelaide 🌟
🌠 Dominik & Monika from Poland 🌟
🌠 Ashe & Imaan from USA 🌟
We are excited to announce that Cloud 9 Zouk is planning to teach 2 of the IZD Flashmob Choreos again this year. 🤩
We will have Dominik & Monika's Routine for all the levels of zouk dancers as well as Ashe & Imaan's routine for advanced dancers. Come and join us and learn either 1 or more than 1 of the choreos if you're up for the extra challenge! 😄 (please contact us ahead of time for Ashe & Imman's choreo).
* Register for Flash Mob choreography training sessions here (starting Wed 2nd Aug for 7 sessions at East Brisbane State School) -



Each year many Zouk dancers learn a choreo by one or multiple artists around the world and go out there and perform this flash mob routine in their cities. This year we are lucky again to choose between 3 amazing routine.
We are have decided to teach 2 of these routines: Monika & Dominik's routine (Who are coming to BZF 2023 in Nov) as well as Iman & Ashe's routine. 🥳💃🕺
training will commence on the Wed, 2nd August for 7 weeks!
So, the training sessions will take place over 1hr 15 min sessions for 6 weeks. We will also expand and work on some of the movements' techniques from the IZD routine in our regular dance class on Thursdays, however taking this class additionally is not a requirement. (We do recommend that flashmob participants have completed at least a beginner course of zouk classes at a school, however).
Training Details:
Dates - 2,/8, 9/8, 16/8, 23/8, 30/8, 8/9, 13/9 .... 7 Wednesdays (plus Tue & Thur for those who can't make it to Wed or would like extra training sessions)
Time - Choreography Training Sessions:
Session 1: Monika & Dominik 6.00 pm - 7.15 pm
Session 2: Iman & Ashe 8:30 - 9:30pm (Advanced level)
We also have trainings on Tuesdays (Paddington Hall) & Thursdays (East Brisbane State School) after our classes at 8:30pm.
Venue - East Brisbane State School , 56 Wellington Rd (a carpark is attached to the venue for easy parking)
Price - $125 for 7 weeks of training (1.25hr sessions) | 10% discount for Cloud9Zouk currenlty enrolled students (anyone from dance community is welcome to attend, however, regardless of their school or not attending any)
IZD Night Party - a discounted party pass is included as part of your IZD FlashMob Training & IZD Party 'package deal'. 🤗
T-Shirt - Flash Mob T-shirts are optional and an additional $ TBC
Flash mob Choreo team members will also receive a discounted towards the Brisbane Zouk Festival 2023 and opportunity to perform it with Dominik & Monika artists at the event as Performers.
Performance Day:
Saturday, 16th September 2023, 12pm Queen Street Mall Stage (arrive 11am for warm up social dancing & to be prepared) -
Google Maps (Queen St Main Stage) - https://goo.gl/maps/nC8MJursSHzfrb5S6
We are also planning a 2nd performance during the IZD night Party on Sat night at 9:30pm at the Performing Arts Centre - Brisbane State High School (Entry off Merivale St, Gate M3) -
Google Maps (PAC, Brisbane State School) - https://maps.app.goo.gl/KT8p3rpZNdfpdCRy7